Home > Granted research > 2011 – 3rd Call for Projects: Selected Projects

The scientific themes for this call were:

  • Biological markers, pathological pathways and mechanisms, therapeutic strategies, innovative molecules in the fields ALS and protection of motor neurons
  • Applied research, multi-disciplinary and innovative approaches such as stem cell, will be encouraged

The Thierry Latran Foundation  (TLF) received 70 abstracts coming from 13 differents countries.

Each member of the Scientific Advisory Board ( SAB ) evaluated independently  the abstracts, consolidation was done anonymously , then discussed within the SAB. Selection were presented to the bureau of the Fondation. 19 projects were finally selected and invited to submit a full dossier.  TLF received 18 full applications. Each application has been reviewed by 2 referees ( independantly, no conflict of interest with applicant). Based on referees evaluation, SAB classified  projects in three categories A (high priority),  B (to beconsidered for funding depending on budget), or  C (not to be considered for funding). Executive committee based on SAB proposal selected 6 projects for an overall funding of 835 000 € over 3 years.


Candidate received the final results in May 2011.

Funding starts in September 2011 depending on the effective starting date of the project


Projects selected and granted

1) RespiSTIM : Can Diaphragm pacing delay non invasive ventilation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? A randomized controlled study
Jésus Gonzalez-Bermejo, France – Grant: 150 000 €

2) Genetic dissection of TDP-43 signaling in a Drosophila model of ALS
Frank Hirth, UK – Grant 120 000 €

3) Preclinical Evaluation of a Novel Neurotherapeutic for ALS
Julie Kelly, Ireland – Grant: 65 000 € download pdf update 2012

4) Proteomic approaches for subtyping of ALS patients
Markus Otto, Germany – Grant : 180 000 €

5) Analysis of the biological role of angiogenin, mutated in ALS, as a paracrine*, stress-induced motoneuron survival factor
Jochen H.M. Prehn, Ireland  – Grant : 200 000 €

6) What is the Origin of the Hyper-excitability of cortical and spinal motor neurons in ALS ?
Daniel Zytnicki, France – Grant:  120 000 €