The second call for projects was granted with an aggregate amount up to 1 million €.
The topics were :
- Biological markers, pathological pathways and mechanisms, therapeutic strategies, innovative molecules in the fields ALS and protection of motor neurons
- with an additional specific topic on Stem cells therapeutic approaches in ALS
The Foundation received 50 abstracts from all over Europe
Each Scientific Advisory Board ( SAB) member evaluated each abstract independently. Based on the consolidation, SAB met to propose a selection to the Bureau of the Foundation. 14 projects were selected for a full application.
The full application was assessed by two independent referees , their evaluation was presented by one SAB members to the other during a specific meeting. Projects have been ranked in A, B or C following the procedure. SAB president presented the SAB proposal to the Executive Committee.
At the end 9 projects are selected
8 projects granted (1 project obtained a grant in between)
Overall amount granted 911 000 € over 2 years
Grantees were informed in July 2010.
Grants started in September depending on the effective start of the project.
Projects selected and granted :
1) ALS-iPSC : Human motor neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells: a new approach for modeling and treating human sporadic ALS
Delphine Bohl , France
Grant: 160 000€
2) STEMALS II : G-CSF in ALS: from mice to humans
Iliana Carron / Caterina Bendotti , Italy
Grant: 70 000 €
3) ALSSTEM: Modeling ALS with patient-derived pluripotent stem cells
Niels Geijsen, The Netherlands
Grant: 60 000€
4) BORG: Restoration of respiratory motor function through optogenetics neural implants
Ivo Lieberam, England
Grant: 80 000€
5) ALS/ androgen/ IGF-1 : Interplay between Androgenic/Anabolic Steroid and IGF-1 Signaling in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Maria Pennuto, Italy
Grant: 125 000€
6) Transgenic Zebrafish: Utilization of features of the early disease phenotypes in a zebrafish model of ALS for pharmacological screening to detect small molecule neuroprotective compounds
Tennore M Ramesh, England
Grant: 30 000€
7) Mod-FUS: Creation and characterization of in vitro and in vivo models to investigate the pathogenic mechanism of mutant FUS/TLS
Ludo Van Den Bosch, Belgium
Grant: 150 000€
8) Functional characterization of two novel susceptibility loci in sporadic ALS
Jan H. Veldink, The Netherlands
Grant: 200 000€